Wednesday 27 October 2021

fmWorkMate in FileMaker - Day 1

MrWatson introduces us to his free toolbox for FileMaker developers On Day 1 we'll take a close look at fmSyntaxColorizer to see how it - with the help of the MBS-Plugin - can help find bugs in your variables, highlight code smells and generally brighten up your code and your life. We'll get a taste of what MrWatson's tooling can deliver by taking a look at Wolf Pack's Developer ToDo list (through fmSyntaxColorizer spectacles), finding bugs, fixing variables, and turbo charging it with MrWatson's fmScriptWorkspace module. Be prepared to have your mind blown away!


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PostMan and APIs in FileMaker (testing APIs; getting sample code including cURL)

7762 - LiveStream - 5.18.23 - PostMan and APIs in FileMaker (testing APIs; getting sample code including cURL) - Let us introduce this usefu...